My Last Vacation was Greaaaat! : RECOUNT TEXT

   Have you ever been to the zoo or beach ? Or have you experienced some exciting, pleasant or sad thing? So, the written story of an experience to a place, or experience some pleasant or sad thing is called a Recount Text. In short, Recount Text is a story about a person's or a group experience in the past.

What is Recount Text ?

Recount is a text which retells event or experiences in the past. It is also a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. 

What are the generic structures of recount text?

πŸ’“ Orientation      : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text.
πŸ’“ Events             : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
πŸ’“ Re-orientation : A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

What are the characteristic/ language feature of recount text?

πŸ’œ Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On Sunday
πŸ’œFocus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer)
πŸ’œUsing the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc.
πŸ’œUsing action verb, e.g. went, stayed

The Examples of Recount Text

πŸ˜€                                          My Holiday in Yogyakarta


That day was July 20, 2019. A week before that day I had been preparing everything. Then, at that day i was ready for my holiday.
At 9 in the morning, I went to the station. The train would arrive at 10 a.m. It took 30 minutes walking from my home to the station. At that station, I bought the ticket to go to Yogyakarta.


It took around 5 hour to go to Yogyakarta from Tulungagung by train.
I arrived in Tugu Station Yogyakarta at 3.15 pm. I had no fix idea about the places at which I would visit. So, I was free to do anything in this city.
At first, I went walking around at Malioboro Street. I saw so many people in this street. Perhaps, they did the same thing as I did, just walking and sometimes stopped at some street merchandise sellers a long that road.
At 6 p.m, i was tired and hungry. I was at Alun-Alun Kidul, the south side of Yogyakarta Palace.
I looked around and find Angkringan, at that place I ordered for a glass of ice tea and ate some Sego Kucing with Sate and also Gorengan.
After eating, I began to think of where I would get the cheap hotel to stay for several days in Yogyakarta.


That was my story which I always remember about my holiday at Yogyakarta.

πŸ˜€                                                  A Movie Ticket


Last week I went to the theatre. It was the only theatre at my town.
I had 1 free ticket to watch a movie.
I had no idea about the movie I would like to watch and I did not know the schedule of that theatre. So that, I just wanted to come and see if there was any good movie.


I parked my motorcycle at the parking area and I walked slowly at the hall of the theatre.
I took my ticket on my wallet and go to the information section to ask about how to use the ticket that day.
Unfortunately, I missed it. The ticket was already expired 2 days before.


I went home and I was very disappointed about that.
😁                                              Video of recount text example

Holiday to the Beach (Click to get the access)

After you read the explanation and the example of the recount text, you have to finish the exercise below  : 

Exercise 1 (Click to get the access)


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